Our Principle

KTPC is committed to a high standard of integrity, good governance and transparency of its business and operation. Hence, the whistleblowing policy has been established to provide an avenue for a whistleblower to disclose any alleged wrongdoings committed or about to be committed within KTPC

Required Information

Whistleblowers are advised to provide sufficient details which include the following:

  • A description of the Improper Conduct and the people/parties who are involved;
  • A background of the incident, including the relevant dates and location of occurrence;
  • How the Improper Conduct was detected;
  • Particulars or production of documentary evidence and witnesses, if any.
  • Whistleblower information i.e. name and contact number (These personal information will be kept confidential). However, anonymous whistleblowing is also permitted.

Type of wrongdoing

Any improper conduct (misconduct or criminal offence) including but not limited to the following:

  • Abuse of power
  • Conflict of interest
  • Forgery, theft and embezzlement
  • Misused of company’s asset
  • Non-compliance to policy and procedure
  • Criminal offences, unlawful acts, fraud, corruption, bribery and blackmail;
  • Failure to comply with legal or regulatory obligations;
  • An act or omission which creates a substantial and specific danger to the lives, health or safety of the employees or the public or the environment;
  • Unsafe work practices or substantial wasting of company resources; and
  • Concealment of any of the above.


Whistleblower Protection

KTPC is committed to provide the whistleblower protections as outlined under the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 provided that the complaint is made in good faith.

Our Complaint Channels

Integrity & Internal Audit Department

Suite 3.01 – 3.02, 3rd Floor, KHTP Business Centre, Kulim Hi-Tech Park, P.O. Box 60, 09090 Kulim, Kedah Darul Aman.

04 403 2420 (Ext: 137/147)