GOOD NEWS for Industrial Citizens in Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) and in the surrounding industrial areas. Starting 12 July 2021 Industrial workers at KHTP will start receiving a vaccine in stages under the COVID-19 Industrial Immunization Program of the Public-Private Cooperation (PIKAS). A total of 26,000 first phase vaccines have been allocated for industrial workers in the KHTP and nearby industrial area.
In this first phase, it involves 57 industrial companies at KHTP, Kulim Industrial Estate, Padang Meha Industrial Area and Kuala Ketil Industial Area. Among the giant industries that will be participating are Intel, Infineon, First Solar, INOKOM, OSRAM, Bard, Richter Rubber and many more. For the second phase, the company’s registration process to get the total number of participants from the industrial sector is still in progress and forecasted to reach 10,000. Now the preparation of the vaccine center (PPV) under PIKAS located at the KHTP Sports Complex is ready for vaccine receivers. For information:- The Special Committee on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee (JKJAV) co-chaired by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and Ministry of Health (MOH) has agreed that the Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS) as Phase 4 of the National COVID-19 Immunisation Program (PICK) to accelerate immunisation of the Rakyat. This is to expedite the attainment of herd immunity among the community. PIKAS is public-private partnership immunisation program aimed at employees of which MITI has been tasked to coordinate the immunisation for employees in the manufacturing sector. Participation of companies and employees in PIKAS is voluntary.
BERITA BAIK buat warga industri di Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) dan di kawasan perindustrian sekitar.
Mulai 12 Julai 2021 warga industri di KHTP akan mula menerima vaksin secara berperingkat dibawah Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS). Sebanyak 26,000 vaksin utuk Fasa Pertama telah diperuntukkan untuk warga industri di kawasan KHTP dan sekitar.
Dalam Fasa Pertama ini, ia melibatkan 57 syarikat perindustrian di KHTP, Kawasan Perindustrian Kulim, Kawasan Perindustrian Padang Meha dan awasan Perdinustrian Kuala Ketil antaranya adalah Intel, Infineon, First Solar, Inokom, OSRAM, BARD, Richter Rubber dan banyak lagi.
Untuk Fasa Kedua, proses pendaftaran syarikat untuk mendapatkan bilangan keseluruhan warga industri yang terbabit masih berjalan dan dianggarkan akan mencapai jumlah 10,000.
Kini persiapan PUSAT PEMBERIAN VAKSIN (PPV) dibawah PIKAS yang bertempat di Kompleks Sukan KHTP telah siap menanti penerima vaksin.
Untuk makluman:
Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin COVID-19 (JKJAV) yang dipengerusikan oleh Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Innovasi (MOSTI) dan Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) telah bersetuju bahawa Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS) dilancarkan sebagai Fasa 4 Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan (PICK) untuk mempercepatkan imunisasi bagi Rakyat. Ini akan dapat mempertingkatkan tahap pencapaian imuniti kelompok di dalam komuniti.
PIKAS adalah program imunisasi kerjasama awam-swasta yang menyasarkan pekerja dimana MITI telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyelaraskan imunisasi pekerja bagi sektor pembuatan. Penyertaan syarikat dan pekerja dalam PIKAS adalah secara sukarela.